Q1 Self Evaluation
Why not find ways to improve while you are in isolation?
Body Scan
· Are you feeding your body nutrients?
· Did you do at least 75% of your workout goals?
· What stopped you from reaching 75% of your goal?
o Is it a mental block (anxiety or an unhealthy relationship with food)?
o Is it a physical block (the grocery store isn’t close enough, you don’t have a great selection)?
o What could inspire you to go against these blocks?
o Can you make it fun? Is there an incentive? Accountability buddy?
o How can you build discipline?
Mental Health Scan
· How was your self-talk?
· Did you have any obsessive behavior?
· If you took an inventory of your thoughts, what occupied your mind the most?
· Did you find yourself reframing your thoughts?
· What were some mental blocks?
· How did it make you feel to know you were in control?
o What were the circumstances that made you reframe your thoughts?
· Do you think it is possible to do it again?
· What keywords or phrases will help you if you are in an unhealthy or uncomfortable place?
Finance Scan
· Did you make a budget?
o Did you follow your budget?
· When do you overspend?
o Are you in a good or bad space when you overspend?
o Are you with people or alone?
o What do you spend the most on?
o What can you do to replace that habit with something more fruitful?
o Can you sew your clothes? Can you repurpose? Repaint? Add glitter? Feathers? Re-stitch? Or take your clothes to be tailored to improve the silhouette?
· What is your plan to improve your credit?
o Are you using your credit cards wisely? Are you paying on your student loans?
· Are you paying your debt off?
· Are you saving?
· How can you make more money?
Passion Scan
· What action steps have you done to fulfill your passion?
· How many days a week are you dedicating to this passion?
· How many hours? Or Minutes?
· What is your deadline to have the skill mastered or at least proficient in?
· Are you learning technical skills or Soft skills (communication)?
· If you haven’t, what is stopping you from doing it?
Quarter 2:
· What do you need to leave behind in order to get closer to your initial goals?
· Who do you need to reach out to achieve your goal?
· What tools do you need to purchase or gain to learn your goal?
o Are you saving for those tools?
· Do you need to apply to a program in order to learn this skill?
Meditate on these answers and think about how you can reach your goal by using the insight you learned from the questions above. The goal is to master yourself. Everything else will fall in place once you know, understand, and execute in a way that will always be good for you.
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